WORLDS BEST- Salted Chocolate Burnt Butter Cookies!!!!!

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I am not a sweet tooth but-

I have always loved a delicious cookie, preferably eaten in bed with a cup of steaming coffee or tea. Everyone loves bikkies ( cookies) and there are literally thousands of choc chip recipes out there.

There is a particular reason why I wanted a really special version of this classic, my beloved was recently in ICU in hospital and I wanted to show my gratitude to the doctors and nurses who cared for him a with a home made treat. All the recipes I found online were average and samey, until I reached out to my followers for a special familial recipe. As soon as I saw the recipe I will now share with you I knew it was THE ONE! Given to me by the very lovely @sandrafaraone68 ( Thanks so so much Blossum!) , it is a secret family recipe , hand written and very kindly provided to me. These cookies take a little more work than usual, but the results are spectacular! The combination of the burnt butter salted dough and the dark chocolate make for a surprisingly sophisticated result which will be forever in your baking arsenal!

Here’s how they go-

Salted Chocolate Burnt Butter Cookies-


1 cup bread flour ‘00’

3/4 cup plain flour

2 teaspoon salt ( you can use 3 if you are using unsalted butter)

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon bi-carb soda

2 teaspoon vanilla paste

1 cup melted butter

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup caster sugar

1 teaspoon expresso powder

2 eggs

2 cups dark chocolate chips ( if you’re a chocolate nut, you can go up to 3 cups here!)


1- preheat oven to 180 C

2- sift dry ingredients into a small bowl.

3- melt butter in a pan until it starts to boil and turns brown, you will see little bits of sediment forming, this is what you want, pour into a measuring cup, making sure you still have exactly one cup. Pour melted butter into a large mixing bowl and cool in the fridge until resolidified but not cold.

4-once the butter is cool, cream the butter and the combined sugars until light and fluffy, take your time with this, it will take at least 10 minutes and will look like butter frosting.

5-add vanilla paste, espresso powder and eggs one at a time, into the buttercream mixture. Keep beating!

6- Turn off the mixer, then using a large wooden spoon- add the flour mixture in three goes, mixing well after each addition, then fold in the choc chips.

7- spoon mounds of dough ( about 2 tablespoons for each cookie) onto a prepared baking sheet and bake in oven for about 15 minutes, watch carefully!

8- cool on a wire rack, then eat, as many as you can as fast as you can! Goes exceedingly well with ice cold milk.

Don’t forget to lick the beaters!

Extra Tip?

Make tiny cookies for your next adults only dinner party, reduce baking time accordingly , serve with espresso vanilla ice cream and liqueur for an easy dessert.

Enjoy gorgeous people!



AKA The Champagne Diva

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The Champagne Diva

Lesley Clough