Three failsafe, sexy but sweet date night looks ( for the lazy glamour puss)

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THE “date of dreams” is nigh, AND YOU ARE-

Driven witless by outfit indecision? Haplessly harried with too many clothing choices? Want to impress a potential hottie yet not intimidate?

Take heart blossoms, date night attire need not be so scary! Let Les help you out with a triple bill of look options that will get you to and through any romantic scenario with confidence, comfort and a certain sex appeal!

First rule of thumb, aside from the VERY BLOODY OBVIOUS- dresses are GOOD, boiler suits are NOT-

No matter how much you wish to knock the socks off the object of your affection, love lust etc with your astonishing good looks, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you reveal more than one of your “trifecta” of assets- either cleavage, OR legs, OR arms, never all three at once unless the desperate “I am looking for a sugar daddy” look is your go, then by all means let it all hang out! At your peril!

For the rest of us that means knowing your best asset and playing to it shamelessly yet not revealing too much. Good ( read respectful ) men like the mystery and allure of a little unsaid/ unshown and will respond in kind, remember that if you want him to see you as partner/wife material, you must look like it! And no I don’t mean knee length skirts and twin sets, you’re seeking a mate, not a funeral director!

Quick example- as an 18 year old living in Monte (Carlo), I am talking wall to wall wealthy dudes, mostly sleazy, some lovely- I was so modest that I turned up at a busy beach in peak perving hour in nothing more than a (beautifully cut admittedly) white one piece bathing suit and red lippie, whilst every other lass “a la plage” was stripped bare to a piece of bottom floss sans top, stacks of gold jangly jewellery, worked back with high (possibly snakeskin) heels!!!!! Hmmmm, see where I am going with this? Guess who got all the attention and invitations? No I am not buttering myself up I am illustrating that men want and NEED the mystery and the chase and presenting your stupendous self on a platter on a first encounter is less than smart. Or sexy even!

That said, herewith some simple ensembles to set you at ease and set your mans heart racing!

Look 1-

Leggy Look!

PAIR an A-line mini dress ( I’ve gone for leopard print here, it’s not too much as the dress design is itself ladylike) with a nipped waist, a demure neckline and long floaty sleeves WITH-

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if cold weather- a pair of suede over the knee boots, these show off just a little thigh and also the length and shape of the leg but steer clear of street walker territory due the flat heel and sumptuous matte material. Should you like ankle boots you could try them here, just be aware that gentlemen don’t really get them as they cut off the leg and can be seen as too edgy. Actually, perhaps leave them for girls night!

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If warm weather- Try a simple pair of block heel sandals, under no circumstances high platform or stiletto heels with a mini length skirt, too try hard and although you’ve got it, no immediate need to flaunt it all too much. These sandals show off the pins nicely AND you can walk in them.

These two looks would be perfect for any day event where you might need to stand or move about ie a gallery tour or a walk in the botanical gardens.


A small designer or structured bag in a black with gold hardware, matching smallish classic hoops, simple wavy hair worn down and glossy makeup with perhaps a feline flick for extra va va voom! Keep the lips neutral, again less is more. If you’re a shy diva and find it hard to start a conversation easily, try wearing an heirloom ring, bangle or other piece of jewellery and use it as a banter starter.


Arms and shoulders look!

If warm weather-

a perfectly fitted pencil or midi skirt in butter soft leather, stretch cotton or fine wool, deftly accompanied by an off the shoulder top with a half or three quarter sleeve to show the lower arms and wrists, in a contrasting and feminine hue. Generally lighter colours flatter closer to the face whilst darker colours below “ anchor” the look. Platform sandals add height and a youthful touch, whilst the hair is in a slightly messy bun to accentuate the shoulder line, which incidentally is ALWAYS pretty on a woman! To avoid the look becoming too saccharine employ a bit of edge to the makeup ie smoke the eye out, build up the brow and keep the lip nude, glowing skin sans blush. Feel free to gently highlight the collar bones with a luminiser, cream is the most natural.

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if cooler weather-

Simply chuck a decent mid length coat over the lot , perhaps even wearing it cape style, very Italian “dolce vita” divas! Here I wear my beloved Prada camel hair coat as it gives the pastel outfit some elegant gravitas. Just ensure the topper is not too heavy either in fabric or colour so that the overall look is one of strong femininity, not corporate. Added bonus? Your date can get a little close and show off his ( hopefully beautiful) manners by removing said outerwear upon entering the venue of choice, nice!

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Cleavage Look!

Try your most flattering , confidence begetting dark indigo jean for a classy base, no tears, rips, or other embellishments as we want YOU to be the star of the show!Repeat after me- men don’t get fussy or “intellectual” fashion. Top your jean with a cream or white lace or scalloped edge cami, in silk if you can manage it for a sensual touch. Wear a delicate lacy strapless bra underneath for a glimpse of sexiness, or go bra free if you can get away with it. You can tuck the cami in to accentuate you waist as I have done here, further showcasing a slender midsection with a slim but blingy belt. If wearing the cami out to lengthen the figure and skim the waist, just make sure it’s length is flattering to your shape, you may have to go a little longer here. High heels will look great giving you that leggy look, try a strappy sandal in the same tone as your cami, unifies the look and is super elegant and summery! A simple cream or pastel toned blazer with a draped cut will serve you well as outerwear, or even a super soft and light cashmere cardigan. I sometimes wear my cream cashmere cardigan around my neck as a scarf, then later employ it in it’s usual role, an easy yet refined take on a conservative classic.

To Finish-

Here is where, with such a simple ensemble you can push hair, makeup and jewellery just a little bit harder. Try a triple layered necklace look, the longest should hit between or under the breasts to gently draw attention to that beautiful cleavage without taking out a full page ad in the Courier Mail! Matching smallish earrings then of course. Stack some delicate gold rings on one hand only to dazzling effect, and now is the time for that big volumous blowout ( no hairspray, men hate it, teasing to create bedhead is fine) and a glamorous makeup. Think defined contours, lots of mascara, bronzer and a glossy ,shimmering lip, the simple outfit necessitates a sophisticated makeup for balance. So channel your inner Jlo and have fun with it!

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If cooler weather-

Simply substitute the cami for a perfectly cut and slim fitted business style cotton or silk shirt, either black , white or a lighter shade that flatters you, possibly with closed pumps or high heeled ankle boots instead of the sandal. Important here is HOW you wear the shirt. For a seventies style sexy look , unbutton the shirt as far as you dare, then cross the bottoms over and tuck it in securely to showcase the waist. Don’t forget a nice bra underneath and here you can go a contrasting colour for fun and a hint of the unexpected! OR if like me you are small up top, wear no bra at all and unbutton that shirt all the way to the waist, very sexy! Just remember here to again cross the bottoms of the shirt over each other and then tuck in firmly, this will create a perfect V shape to the waist and preserve your modesty. As it’s cooler turn your cuff up once only, all the better to show off your dainty wrists.

Outerwear is simple, either a beautifully cut blazer, or a trench with the belt tied, never neatly, always with nonchalence.


Jewellery- here a statement necklace will look awesome against the plain shirt and will accentuate that cleavage, think bejeweled, heavy and sitting just above the bra line. Hair and makeup for this look is really flexible due to the simplicity of the outfit, you could try pin straight shiny tresses worn out for a chic look, paired with a beautifully applied red lip ( Ruby Woo by MAC flatters all) and not much else adorning the face. OR what about wild bed head as a contrast to the somewhat conservative attire, as well as some sooty eye action with kohl and defined but colourless lips.

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Hoping muchly to have helped you lovely lasses with a few idiot proof outfits for date night, last thing you want is to be fussing over the sartorial!

Always remember- It’s YOU he wants to see, the clothes and all else are merely window dressing, YOU are the prize!

Now get out there and slay,seduce and have a ball!


Les xx

AKA the Champagne Diva!

Lesley Clough